Upcoming Events
What’s happening in the Birmingham Early Years Community – locally, city-wide, and online.
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WORKSHOP: Supporting Maths in the Early Years
This free workshop will cover how you can provide effective support to develop children’s concepts for learning mathematics, in partnership with their parents.
Level: Introductory
NEW DATES ADDED (May-Dec 2023)

WORKSHOP: Working with Families to Support SLC for Children with EAL
This free workshop will share tools and good practice to develop an inclusive setting for families with English as an additional language (EAL).
Level: Introductory
NEW DATES ADDED (May-Dec 2023)

WORKSHOP: WellComm - What Next?
Are you ready to get started with WellComm? This workshop is ideally taken AFTER you have attended the ‘Introduction to Wellcomm’ workshop.
Level: Introductory
NEW DATES ADDED (May-Dec 2023)

WORKSHOP: Storytelling - Promoting the Love of Books and Stories
This free workshop will explore ways in which you can encourage children to develop a love of books and reading, raise practitioners’ confidence in storytelling, and support parents to read with their children.
NEW DATES ADDED (May-Dec 2023)

WORKSHOP: An Introduction to WellComm
This free workshop will enable practitioners to use the WellComm Toolkit within their setting as a universal tool in their provision to improve speech, language and communication outcomes for children.
Level: Introductory
NEW DATES ADDED (May-Dec 2023)

WORKSHOP: Aiming for a Successful Ofsted Inspection
This free workshop will support you on your journey towards success at your next Ofsted inspection. It is suitable for all childcare practitioners and setting leaders registered with Ofsted to deliver Early Years provision.
Level: Intermediate
NEW DATES ADDED (May-Dec 2023)

WORKSHOP: Introducing the Birmingham Transition Approach
This free online workshop will introduce the Birmingham Transition Approach, a new inclusive transition process for Birmingham.
Level: Introductory
NEW DATES ADDED (May-Dec 2023)

WORKSHOP: Extending Vocabulary Through Language-Rich Environments
This free workshop will enable practitioners to improve their speech, language, and communication practice by using self-evaluation tools.
Level: Introductory
NEW DATES ADDED (May-Dec 2023)

Childminder Inclusion Network: Review and key updates
A regular online networking event for Childminders across Birmingham to meet up, offer peer support and share ideas and information.
The topic for the July meeting is: Review and key updates

Dingley’s Promise: Creating an Inclusion Movement! Parent/Carers Meeting
A session for any parents/carers, grandparents or any other support networks and organisations in your area who want to know more and be part of positive change.

Childminder Info Sessions - West Midlands Stronger Practice Hubs
An information session for childminders about your West Midlands Stronger Practice Hubs.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Regulatory Changes Consultation
Birmingham City Council would like to invite you to attend one of their consultation dates to discuss the Early Years Foundation Stage regulatory changes.

HEART - Midlands SPH Info Session for Child Development Modules & EYPDP3
An information session about CPD opportunities available through the Midlands Stronger Practice Hub. Learn more about the DfE’s Child Development modules and the Early Years Professional Development Programme (EYPDP) 3.

DLP Celebration Event - Edgbaston Cricket Ground
Join us to celebrate and share the work of the Early Years Developing Local Provision (DLP) project across the city.

FREE COURSE: Building Your Own Early Years Curriculum (CENTRAL Birmingham)
Building Your Own Early Years Curriculum with Leslie Patterson (Early Education).
Venue: Brearley Nursery School (B19 3XJ)
Level: Intermediate

DSL City-wide Network Sessions: Supporting Children in Care with the Birmingham Virtual School
These sessions will be led by the Birmingham Virtual School Early Years Team with a focus on supporting children in care in Early Years settings.
NOTE: These sessions are a repeat of the Jan/Feb presentations and are intended for those who were unable to join previously.

FREE COURSE: Building Your Own Early Years Curriculum (NORTH Birmingham)
Building Your Own Early Years Curriculum with Leslie Patterson (Early Education).
Venue: Osborne Nursery School (B23 6UB)
Level: Intermediate

FREE COURSE: Building Your Own Early Years Curriculum (SOUTH Birmingham)
Building Your Own Early Years Curriculum with Leslie Patterson (Early Education).
Venue: Allens Croft Nursery School (B14 6RP)
Level: Intermediate

AET Early Years: Making Sense of Autism
Gain a better understanding and awareness of autism and the way it affects children in the early years. Places limited - first come, first served. Training provided by Autism Education Trust (AET) Early Years.

EYFSP Briefing: 3 Children or fewer
A short briefing session for PVI's who have three children or fewer in setting that need to complete the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP).

EYFSP Briefing: 4 Children or more
A short briefing session for PVI's who have four children or more in setting that need to complete the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP).

Birmingham Virtual School: Attachment, Trauma and Resilience Training
FREE COURSE: Attachment, Trauma and Resilience: The power of connected relationships to promote recovery from trauma and provide the optimum conditions for learning.
Delivered in partnership with Birmingham Virtual School (BVS) & Knowledge Change Action (KCA).
Level: Introductory

Level 3 SENCO Online Networking Session
Book your spot at this ONLINE networking session to meet with likeminded colleagues.
Session will be facilitated by the Maintained Nursery School Level 3 SENCO trainers and a member of the Birmingham Area SENCO Team.

Childminder Inclusion Network: An Inclusive Child-Centred Approach
A regular online networking event for Childminders across Birmingham to meet up, offer peer support and share ideas and information.
The topic for the May meeting is: A child-centred approach
![[CANCELLED] Level 3 SENCO In-Person Networking Session](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/646f24b87f7ed20d4f71dcb9/1695306849848-K5OPBQJG6XFW7M5TYGFI/L3+SENCO+networking+-+in-person.png)
[CANCELLED] Level 3 SENCO In-Person Networking Session
Unfortunately, this FACE-TO-FACE networking session has been cancelled. Please book onto the online session on Wed 7 June (10:00-12:00) instead.

WORKSHOP: Early Years Foundation Stage Profile
A workshop to provide information about completing the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) profile and explore best practices for accurate and reliable assessments in line with EYFS 2021 requirements.

DSL City-wide Network Sessions: LADO Team
The Birmingham LADO (Local Authority Designated Officers) team will be sharing useful information regarding their service and what support/advice you are able to get from their service.
As the message is a city-wide one we have arranged four different dates and times - please book onto the session of your choice.

Childminder Inclusion Network: Equality, Diversity & Anti-Discriminatory Practice
A regular online networking event for Childminders across Birmingham to meet up, offer peer support and share ideas and information.
The topic for the March meeting is: Equality, Diversity & Anti-Discrimination

WORKSHOP: Supervision and Coaching for the Early Years Foundation Stage
Supervision is a statutory requirement of the EYFS. This session ensures delegates understand the legal requirements and can conduct effective supervision sessions working within the parameters of the role. It also provides exemplary materials, facilitating support to implement the process in school.
This workshop is ideal for EYFS Leads.

WORKSHOP: Understanding the characteristics of effective learning
This workshop is designed to give a thorough understanding of the three characteristics of effective teaching and learning. You will be prompted to reflect on how children learn, rather than just on what they learn.
This workshop is ideal for those new to teaching in the early years and Early Career Teachers