Upcoming Events
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DSL City-wide Network Sessions: Supporting Children in Care with the Birmingham Virtual School
These sessions will be led by the Birmingham Virtual School Early Years Team with a focus on supporting children in care in Early Years settings.
NOTE: These sessions are a repeat of the Jan/Feb presentations and are intended for those who were unable to join previously.

Birmingham Virtual School: Attachment, Trauma and Resilience Training
FREE COURSE: Attachment, Trauma and Resilience: The power of connected relationships to promote recovery from trauma and provide the optimum conditions for learning.
Delivered in partnership with Birmingham Virtual School (BVS) & Knowledge Change Action (KCA).
Level: Introductory

DSL City-wide Network Sessions: LADO Team
The Birmingham LADO (Local Authority Designated Officers) team will be sharing useful information regarding their service and what support/advice you are able to get from their service.
As the message is a city-wide one we have arranged four different dates and times - please book onto the session of your choice.

DSL City-wide Network Sessions: Supporting Children in Care
These sessions will be led by the Birmingham Virtual School Early Years Team with a focus on supporting children in care in Early Years settings.
As the message is a city-wide one we have arranged four different dates and times - please book onto the session of your choice.

October DSL District Network Sessions: Safeguarding Self-Assessment & Operation Encompass
A chance to meet the newest addition to the Birmingham City Council Early Years Safeguarding team - Jacqueline Bateman. The session will also cover the launch of this year’s Early Years Safeguarding Self-Assessment Audit tool and Operation Encompass.
Level: Introductory
Choice of date/time.

2022 Multi-Agency Conference: Working Together to Stop Child Neglect in Birmingham
Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership (BSCP) invite you to their 2022 Multi-Agency Conference: Working Together to Stop Child Neglect in Birmingham. The conference is FREE to attend and targeted at front-line practitioners working with children and families in Brum.
Level: Introductory

January DSL District Network Sessions: Tackling Neglect (city-wide)
In these sessions, Luisa Fraser, Neglect Lead Manager for Birmingham Children’s Trust, will present an update on how Birmingham is addressing the issue of neglect for the children of the city.
As the message is a city-wide one we have arranged four different dates and times - please book onto the session of your choice.

DSL District Network Event - Early Help Workshop (Hall Green District)
Delivered by local representatives from Birmingham City Council’s Early Help Team, this 3-hour training workshop is designed to help you understand the dynamics of Early Help in Hall Green district.

DSL District Network Event - Early Help Workshop (Ladywood District)
Delivered by local representatives from Birmingham City Council’s Early Help Team, this 3-hour training workshop is designed to help you understand the dynamics of Early Help in Ladywood district.

DSL District Network Event - Early Help Workshop (Erdington District)
Delivered by local representatives from Birmingham City Council’s Early Help Team, this 3-hour training workshop is designed to help you understand the dynamics of Early Help in Erdington district.

DSL District Network Event - Early Help Workshop (Northfield District)
Delivered by local representatives from Birmingham City Council’s Early Help Team, this 3-hour training workshop is designed to help you understand the dynamics of Early Help in Northfield district.

DSL District Network Event - Early Help Workshop (Sutton Coldfield District)
Delivered by local representatives from Birmingham City Council’s Early Help Team, this 3-hour training workshop is designed to help you understand the dynamics of Early Help in Sutton Coldfield district.

DSL District Network Event - Early Help Workshop (Edgbaston District)
Delivered by local representatives from Birmingham City Council’s Early Help Team, this 3-hour training workshop is designed to help you understand the dynamics of Early Help in Edgbaston district.

DSL District Network Event - Early Help Workshop (Hodge Hill District)
Delivered by local representatives from Birmingham City Council’s Early Help Team, this 3-hour training workshop is designed to help you understand the dynamics of Early Help in Hodge Hill district.

DSL District Network Event - Early Help Workshop (Selly Oak District)
Delivered by local representatives from Birmingham City Council’s Early Help Team, this 3-hour training workshop is designed to help you understand the dynamics of Early Help in Selly Oak district.

DSL District Network Event - Early Help Workshop (Yardley District)
Delivered by local representatives from Birmingham City Council’s Early Help Team, this 3-hour training workshop is designed to help you understand the dynamics of Early Help in Yardley district.

DSL District Network Event - Early Help Workshop (Perry Barr District)
Delivered by local representatives from Birmingham City Council’s Early Help Team, this 3-hour training workshop is designed to help you understand the dynamics of Early Help in Perry Barr district.

DSL District Network Event - LADO Briefing Session (Ladywood & Hall Green Districts)
Led by Birmingham City Council Early Years and Childcare Service, this LADO briefing update will remind DSLs of the LADO processes and give opportunity for clarifications and discussion.

DSL District Network Event - LADO Briefing Session (Northfield & Erdington Districts)
Led by Birmingham City Council Early Years and Childcare Service, this LADO briefing update will remind DSLs of the LADO processes and give opportunity for clarifications and discussion.

DSL District Network Event - LADO Briefing Session (Edgbaston & Sutton Coldfield Districts)
Led by Birmingham City Council Early Years and Childcare Service, this LADO briefing update will remind DSLs of the LADO processes and give opportunity for clarifications and discussion.

DSL District Network Event - LADO Briefing Session (Selly Oak & Hodge Hill Districts)
Led by Birmingham City Council Early Years and Childcare Service, this LADO briefing update will remind DSLs of the LADO processes and give opportunity for clarifications and discussion.

DSL District Network Event - LADO Briefing Session (Perry Barr & Yardley Districts)
Led by Birmingham City Council Early Years and Childcare Service, this LADO briefing update will remind DSLs of the LADO processes and give opportunity for clarifications and discussion.