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January DSL District Network Sessions: Tackling Neglect (city-wide)

The focus of January’s District DSL Network activity is Tackling Neglect.

We have arranged for Luisa Fraser, the Neglect Lead Manager for Birmingham Children’s Trust, to present an update on how Birmingham is addressing the issue of neglect for the children of the city.

Luisa will be doing a webinar specifically for early years providers and it will include information on the Graded Care Profile 2 (GCP2) tool.

As the message is a city-wide one we have arranged four different dates and times, please join any one of the sessions as they will all contain the same content. Dates, times and booking links below (booking required via Eventbrite)

Organisation: Birmingham City Council Early Help Team
Cost: Free (for Birmingham settings)
Places: Limited

BOOK (click on the relevant session below to book your free place)

Session 1: Thursday 20 January, 10:00am – 11:00am

Session 2: Thursday 20 January, 6:00pm – 7:00pm

Session 3: Monday 24 January, 12:30pm – 1:30pm

Session 4: Wednesday 26 January, 4:00pm – 5:00pm

NB: This event will be delivered via Microsoft Teams, so this will need to have been downloaded onto your computer/tablet/phone prior to the event for you to access it.

January 18

FREE nasen Webinar: Meeting the Needs of Every Child

January 22

FREE WellComm Training - Birmingham Early Years SLC Project