BEYN blog

Read the latest from the Birmingham Early Years Networks, including guest posts from colleagues working across the Early Years Sector in Birmingham.


Interested in writing a guest post for the Birmingham Early Years Networks blog? Find out more about what’s required. Write for BEYN

Birmingham Early Years Networks Birmingham Early Years Networks

You Are Amazing - Keep Going

At this challenging time, we would like to offer some positive reminders to all the amazing staff working across the Early Years sector in Birmingham (and beyond).

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Birmingham Early Years Networks Birmingham Early Years Networks

2020: A Year Like No Other

A lot has happened at BEYN since we launched our website back in May, and whilst we’re looking forward to seeing the back of 2020, like many others, we couldn’t let the New Year roll in without acknowledging some of the fantastic work that’s happened throughout an incredibly challenging and uncertain time.

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Birmingham Early Years Networks Birmingham Early Years Networks

It’s Always the Right Time to Do the Right Thing…

This September, many children and families will be returning to school and settings for the first time since March — as such, it’s vital that we’re prepared for the next phase of living through this pandemic.

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Birmingham Early Years Networks Birmingham Early Years Networks

5 Reasons to Subscribe to Our Newsletter

Our newsletter is the main communication tool we use to keep the community up-to-date with key information, activities, and professional development opportunities across the 10 districts, and Birmingham as a whole.

Here are 5 reasons why you should subscribe to our newsletter today (including an exciting incentive from Letterbox Library!)

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Birmingham Early Years Networks Birmingham Early Years Networks

COVID-19: Sharing What Works in Early Years Settings

Sharing what works in our Early Years settings during the COVID-19 pandemic - a collection of ideas as a starting point for discussions with your team(s) as we start to open our settings to more children. We would love to add your ideas and experiences to this, so please do get in touch if you have something to share.

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Birmingham Early Years Networks Birmingham Early Years Networks

Making and Sustaining Connections through COVID-19 by Launching the Birmingham Early Years Networks Website

While this is not quite how we expected to be launching when we started on this project back in January 2020, we hope that the new Birmingham Early Years Networks (BEYN) site will be a place for the whole Early Years community in and around Birmingham to come together and share resources, ideas, and practice.

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