Making and Sustaining Connections through COVID-19 by Launching the Birmingham Early Years Networks Website

We hope that this site will become a source of ideas and encouragement for all of the Early Years community in Birmingham as we navigate the next phase of the COVID-19 pandemic together.

We are delighted that our new website is going live even in these uncertain times! 

While this is not quite how we expected to be launching when we started on this project back in January 2020, we hope that the new Birmingham Early Years Networks (BEYN) site will be a place for the whole Early Years community in and around Birmingham to come and share resources, ideas, and practice.

Over the coming months, we will be adding links and resources to support your ongoing professional development and learning, and sharing practical ideas for ensuring quality provision and practice during this phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, including ideas to share with families at home with their children.

With that in mind, we’ve created some fun colouring sheets in partnership with local Birmingham artist, Tom Parry, who designed our wonderful footer image, especially for the BEYN website. We’d love it if you would help us to promote the launch of the Birmingham Early Years Networks by downloading and sharing these free colouring sheets with your colleagues and children.

Download the sheets via the links below or by clicking on the images above:
BEYN Colouring Sheet - Rainbow Hands
BEYN Colouring Sheet - Plain Hands

We look forward to seeing your creations - please tag us on social media: Facebook - @BEYNetworks and Twitter - @BEYNetworks.

Helping Birmingham’s Children Thrive and Serving Those Who Support Them

We know that there is lots of great practice already going on across the city and we would love to hear from you if you’ve got an idea to share with others; please see our Write for Us page for more details about how to submit a guest post for our blog!

As we look ahead and think about increasing capacity or reopening, we know that we can learn from the nurseries, settings, and childminders that have continued to be able to offer places during the pandemic.

We are still working on developing the district EY network activities for the future, so do keep popping back to find out what’s coming up and if you have an online event that you’d like to share, please get in touch to discuss adding this to our events calendar.

With all best wishes,

Clare Williams and Sue Bennett
Co-ordinators, Birmingham Early Years Networks


COVID-19: Sharing What Works in Early Years Settings