Childminders offer professional home-based childcare and early education for small groups of children of different ages.
Find information, reference documents and professional development for specifically for childminders, childminding assistants and those considering becoming a childminder.
“Childminders care for children in the childminder’s home, providing learning and play opportunities through a wide range of activities. Some childminders will take children to and from school. Childminders are registered with Ofsted to mind children aged from six weeks up to eight years. They can also take older children.”
Birmingham Childminder Network
The Birmingham Childminders network meets termly providing an opportunity for networking and updating of information and is open to all childminders.
Funding Opportunities
There are various funding opportunities available for settings.
Providers taking children aged 9 months-4 years who are accessing an early education entitlement place and are in receipt of Disability Living Allowance will be entitled to apply for a one-off payment of £910 per financial year. The DAF is not based on an hourly rate and is an additional entitlement.
ISEY is Birmingham’s Early Years Inclusion funding, which supports early years providers in Birmingham in meeting the needs of children with SEND.
This guidance is, therefore, for eligible settings receiving Early Education funding from Birmingham Local Authority. If a child lives in Birmingham but attends a setting in another local authority Inclusion funding should be sought from that authority.
Applications can be made by:
Birmingham childminders registered to receive early education funding and
Attend a Birmingham Early Years Network session at least once a year.
ISEY applications can be submitted for a child who meets all 7 of the following eligibility criteria:
There is parent/carer consent for the application and a signed copy of the application form is held by the setting.
The child accesses their EEE funding in a Birmingham setting.
The child has either been in the setting for at least 6 weeks or there is evidence of a planned transition/settling period for the child prior to admission.
The child has emerging or identified special educational needs/disability and requires support that is ‘additional to or different from’ that which is typically provided for children of their age in the setting.
Timely referrals to relevant external agencies have been or will be made as appropriate and the advice of any involved professionals is being followed.
The child has a quality, current individual SEN Support Plan, which includes current targets evidencing the Graduated Approach of the SEND Code of Practice 2014/5 including working in partnership with parent/carers and other professionals (Team around the child approach).
The child does not have a funded SEND Support Provision Plan or an Education, Health and Care Plan.
If a child does not meet all 7 criteria a discussion must take place with the relevant LA SEND support services to determine whether an ‘exceptional application’ is appropriate
Throughout this document where relevant LA support services are referenced these are:
For childminders: Early Years and Childcare Service (EYC)
If you require further information about the funding or if you would like to discuss a potential application, please contact eyduty@birmingham.gov.uk
EYPP is additional funding for Early Years providers to help them improve the education they provide for disadvantaged 2, 3 and 4 year-olds.
Providers could get up to £388 per year to help with the child’s education.
Paid directly to the provider
Child is aged between 2, 3 or 4 and
Child must receive free early education to attract funding
Tax-Free Childcare (TFC)
TFC is for working families, including self–employed in the UK earning under £100k and at least £152 per week (equal to 16 hours at the National Minimum Living Wage) and who aren’t receiving Tax Credits, Universal Credit, or childcare vouchers. TFC is available for children aged 0-11 (or 0-16 if disabled).
How does TFC work?
For every £8 you pay into an online account, the government will add an extra £2, up to £2,000 per child per year.
Working families can get up to £500 every 3 months (up to £2,000 a year) per child per year to help with the costs of childcare. This goes up to £1,000 every 3 months if a child is disabled (up to £4,000 a year).
How can TFC be used?
Working families can use TFC all year round to spend on regulated childcare, for example:
Before and after school clubs
Holiday clubs
Useful links:
Parents eligibility check:Tax-Free Childcare
Childcare care choices for further information: Childcare Choices | Tax-Free Childcare
We offer a range of courses to ensure there is something for everyone.
Whether you're just starting out in your training as a childminder or you've been in the profession for 30+ years, we've got plenty of fantastic CPD to suit every need!
Specific Documents and Guidance for Childminders
EYFS for childminders
This Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework is mandatory for all early years childminders.
The Department for Education is introducing changes on 1 November 2024 to provide more flexibility for childminders, including a new type of childminder and greater freedom in where they operate. Read more
OFSTED provides information relating to inspection for childminders. Find out more on the Gov.uk website.

Where to get advice and support
See our other pages for advice relating to:

Becoming a Childminder
You can find guidance on becoming a childminder at Childminding UK.

In the spotlight
We all know how important Childminders are to children, families, and the early years sector. We would like to feature Childminders in our blog so that our partner colleagues, neighbouring services, and the whole sector can see the amazing work that Childminders do. If you would like to share your story and be featured in a future blog, please complete the following:
How long have you been a childminder?
What does your childminding setting offer?
What has been your achievement as a childminder?
Why did you decide to become a childminder?
What do you want parents and professionals to know about childminding?
Please email your submissions, including photographs of activities or resources, to safiaya.abowath-tulloch@birmingham.gov.uk