Special Needs and Inclusion
“We believe that all children, young people and young adults in Birmingham should thrive. We will encourage meaningful presence, participation and progress, enabling a sense of belonging and opportunities to fulfil their dreams and aspirations.”
“Inclusion is the conscious and deliberate act of embracing diversity. It is the value we place on creating an environment where everyone is welcome and included and therefore feels that they belong. It is reflected in our desire to enable everyone to thrive and succeed. Inclusion is fundamental to ensure that all children, young people, young adults and their families, regardless of their needs, get the best life chances. ”
Where to get advice and support
in Birmingham
The Developing Local Provision (DLP) initiative aims to enhance the work already being done by early years settings and mainstream schools in providing support to children in their local area. Please see our dedicated DLP page for more information about the DLP initiative.
Birmingham City Council: SEND Local Offer
The Local Offer Birmingham website has a wealth of information for parents, families, and practitioners.
Access Training: Local Offer SEND Webinars
To help support parents and carers, Birmingham SEND Services, alongside other key SEND partners, regularly deliver webinars covering a range of subjects.
Ongoing support from the area SENCO team
The Area SENCO team offer advice and support to PVI settings. Log in to EYMIS/Early Support to find out more.
SEND Noticeboard
The noticeboard contains valuable information for all Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators and SEND Leads in schools and settings.
Special Needs and Inclusion
Upcoming CPD Opportunities
Special Needs and Inclusion