5 Reasons to Subscribe to Our Newsletter

The Birmingham Early Years Networks is a place for the whole Early Years Community in Birmingham to come together and build professional partnerships, in order to improve educational outcomes for the young children of our city.

Our newsletter is the main communication tool we use to keep the community up-to-date with key information, activities, and professional development opportunities across the 10 districts, and Birmingham as a whole.

Still on the fence about whether to sign up? Here are 5 reasons why you should subscribe to our newsletter today (including an exciting incentive from Letterbox Library!)

1. Sign up to Connect and Collaborate

The BEYN Newsletter is our main tool to help us connect, collaborate, and communicate with the Early Years Community across Birmingham, as well as the wider Early Years Community across the country (and the world!)

2. Sign up to Find the Content You Care about the Most

The newsletter provides a summary of the most relevant content from the website to help you go straight to the information you are most interested in!

3. Sign up for First Dibs on Free CPD

Our newsletter will keep you informed about upcoming events and professional development opportunitites in each district and across the city. This includes meetings as well as free and paid CPD, both online and in-person!

4. Sign up to Get Your Voice Heard

Updates from our Early Years Community will feature as the Networks become established. This will include links to other professional development opportunities, as well as information and stories from across the city. We want to hear your voice and the voice of the children, families and wider community that you work with.

5. Sign up to Stay Up-to-Date

The newsletter will also be a means of sharing important news and updates about the work of the Birmingham Early Years Networks, as well as the wider Early Years Community in and around Birmingham.


Guest Post: Supporting Daily Transitions Through Song in the Early Years


Impact of Coronavirus on Birmingham Early Years Provision [SURVEY]