Impact of Coronavirus on Birmingham Early Years Provision [SURVEY]

NB: Survey now closed. Many thanks to all who took the time to respond during this difficult period.

UPDATE 22/6/2020

Thank you so much to the large number of Birmingham Early Years providers who responded to our request for information about how COVID-19 has affected your organisation, your staff, your children, and your practice. We had 64 responses in a very short space of time, from all types of provider including childminders PVI,, and school sector.

Whilst there was some nuance, there was also an overwhelming cross-sector narrative about support for vulnerable children, a determination to open more widely despite the challenges, intense and deteriorating financial circumstances, and concern for the negative impact that will be felt by our children.

We are using this in depth data that you have shared with us to reinforce and exemplify broader national data that has been collected; we are busy finalising the report and it will be published by The Sutton Trust in the next week. All contributors will be emailed a copy directly and you will also be able to find a copy here on the BEYN website, once it is published.

The two winners of CREC’s prize draw have been randomly selected and notified via email of their respective prizes.

Our partner organisation, CREC, has been commission by The Sutton Trust to contribute to a briefing paper on the impact of COVID-19 on Early Years (EY) provision, parents, and young children, particularly for those who live in areas of disadvantage or who serve low socio-economic status families.

This is a national report, but we are proposing that Birmingham can provide a useful case study revealing the live issues faced by providers and families in one Local Authority (LA) and how these might be addressed.

To create this case study and support the report, we are inviting Birmingham schools (with EY provision) and EY providers to complete an online survey which seeks to gather evidence of your COVID-19 experiences as an Early Years provider during three key periods:

a. BEFORE the UK went into lockdown as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) (i.e. before 23rd March)
b. AFTER the UK went into lockdown as a result of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) (i.e. after 23rd March but before 8th June)
c. How your provision might be opened as Coronavirus (COVID-19) reduces (i.e. after June 8th)

By way of thank you, all survey respondents will receive a copy of the final report emailed directly to them.

CREC will also select one respondent at random to receive a free ticket to the annual BECERA Early Years conference in February 2021; a second respondent, again drawn at random, will be entitled to attend a CPD session at CREC in 2020/21 free of charge.

We would be most grateful for your support - the questionnaire can be found here.

Deadline for submissions: 9:00 PM on Friday 18th June 2020


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