You Are Amazing - Keep Going

At this challenging time, we would like to offer some positive reminders to all the amazing staff working across the Early Years sector in Birmingham (and beyond).

You Are the Experts

You are the experts at working with our youngest children; try to keep this at the forefront of your mind in the coming weeks and months.

Check out our guidance: Sharing What Works in Early Settings during the COVID-19 Pandemic which includes helpful tips on risk assessments, curriculum planning, and reducing anxiety in your setting.

Be Kind to Yourself

It’s an incredibly stressful time; many of you are working under extraordinary circumstances with the added pressure of our usual in-person support networks out of reach. Whilst we all want to do our best for the children and families we work with, it’s important to look after ourselves too.

So this is a gentle reminder to be kind to yourself, practise self-care whenever you can, and please reach out for support if you need it (see the ‘Talk to Others’ section below for support options).

Revisit Your Values and Pedagogy

Hold on to what you believe in and what you know is right for you and your children.

Remember what’s important:

  • Positive, sensitive and warm relationships

  • Creative use of materials in the learning environment

  • Promoting a lifelong love of learning

  • The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." - Christian D. Larson

Others Are Working on Your Behalf

Several organisations, including the Early Years Alliance and the teaching unions, are communicating with the government and DfE on behalf of the Early Years sector (see the ‘Stay up to Date’ section below for more info).

We are also here to support you however we can. We’ve collated a host of early years-appropriate Home Learning Resources, which you can access completely free of charge at any time.

We also have a hub of COVID-19 resources for practitioners and parents of young children, to help you engage in activities and conversations with 0-5s about Coronavirus. Join our dedicated Facebook group for regular updates.


Talk to Others

It can be easy to retreat into ourselves when we feel stressed, especially when our usual support systems are disrupted. We encourage you to join your local Early Years Network Meeting and keep in contact with the Local Authority who are both there to support you, both professionally and personally.

If you need someone to talk to and/or additional support, check out The Active Wellbeing Society’s Listen & Connect service; created to provide a safe space for you to talk about what’s important to you and to feel heard. This unique service also offers practical solutions with links to local clothing and food support, Share Shacks (borrowing tools and sharing practical skills), and more.

Other wellbeing support, including help and advice about looking after yourself and others during the pandemic, can be found via the Birmingham City Council website.

Birmingham and Solihull Urgent Mental Health Helpline: 0121 262 3555

If urgent mental health help is needed you can ring the number above for advice and support. This line is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can be used by anyone.

Stay up to Date

The following organisations are posting regular updates:

Early Years Alliance:

Early Education:





Foundation Years:

For Information relating to COVID-19 management for Early Years providers in Birmingham, please log into (EYMIS)

Support each other, care for each other, be proud and remember, you are doing an amazing job!

Clare & Sue,
Joint Network Co-ordinators


Guest Post: Dodford Children’s Farm - Way More Than Just a School Trip


BCC Update: 5 January 2021