Come along to our first Developing Local Provision (DLP) community meeting and be part of planning for your district.
Do you have a passion for providing the best outcomes for children with SEND in the Early Years? Would you like support, advice and an opportunity to share ideas?
Come and meet Early Years colleagues from across Selly Oak district for a chat, a cuppa, and an informal discussion around SEND.
This event is for all Early Years providers in the Selly Oak district - Childminders, PVIs, Nursery Schools, Church & Community Groups.
>>> BOOK your place via Eventbrite <<<
If you have any questions about this event please contact Elinor Warner or Gemma Sweeney: / 0121 474 2356
Developing Local Provision
The Developing Local Provision (DLP) initiative aims to enhance the work already being done by Early Years settings and mainstream schools in providing support to children in their local area.
Based on Birmingham’s SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) strategy, the DLP initiative is already in place in primary and secondary schools across the city. The Early Years DLP initiative will be delivered through the 10 District Early Years Networks.
The long-term aim is to establish high-quality local provision that successfully meets the needs of individual children, supporting them in their Early Year’s journey through to their chosen mainstream school where their needs will continue to be met well.