Early Years Alliance: Coronavirus Information Pages
The Early Years Alliance has a hub of information pages curated specifically for all staff working directly with children and families in an early years provision.
Public Health Webinars for Schools and Settings
Birmingham City Council (BCC), in partnership with Public Health Birmingham (Healthy Brum), has been putting on various coronavirus-related webinars for school leaders and other educational professionals. Access the recordings here.
Updated Early Years Guidance Poster by Healthy Brum
Healthy Brum, an initiative from Birmingham Borough Council, have created an updated poster on COVID-19 guidance for parents and carers.
PHE Leaflet for Parents: Taking Your Child to an Early Years Setting
A leaflet for parents of 0-5’s by Public Health England (PHE), which outlines the importance of children attending Early Years settings during the pandemic; includes a wide-ranging FAQ.
Aerosol Transmission of COVID-19 - Hands, Face, Space, Replace
Find out why the old COVID-19 guidance is relevant but now not quite accurate to the way Coronavirus is spread, as we now know it is spread in as an aerosol and not as water droplets.
Coronavirus Wellbeing Activities for Schools
In light of the evolving situation around Coronavirus (COVID-19), some teachers may be looking for activities to boost pupils’ wellbeing. These PDF downloads can be helpful for all pupils, but particularly those who are finding changes unsettling.
Birmingham Children’s Partnership COVID-19 Resources
Birmingham Children’s Partnership is offering COVID-19 support for practitioners working with vulnerable families across the city; their resources page covers valuable areas practitioners may need support for.
COVID-19 Infographics
Created by doctors, medical students and volunteers, these infographics explain key areas of COVID information, available in 45 languages.