COVID-19 Vaccines, Pregnancy, and Breast- and Chest-Feeding
Created by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, this page and download cover many of the most frequently asked COVID-19 vaccination questions for pregnant parents, and for parents who are breast- and chest-feeding.
COVID-19 Guide for Supporting Children/Adults with Learning Disabilities or Autistic Children/Adults
Created for carers and family, this page features an array advice on how to best support adults and children with learning disabilities, or an autistic adult or child, through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr Justin Varney on Getting Vaccinated and Staying COVID Safe
Dr Justin Varney, National Strategic Advisor on Health and Work at Public Health England, has released a video on how to determine the safety of our interactions since legal restrictions were lifted on Mon 19th July.
Supporting Your Child with Additional Needs Settle into School by Barnado’s
The children’s charity Barnado’s wrote a helpful article for parents of children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) for the schools’ reopening.
See, Hear, Respond Support Hub
For Birmingham locals, GBNFC are delighted to announce that they have been working in partnership with Barnardo’s and have been contracted to deliver this new service. Their role is to listen carefully and work out the best way to help you and your needs.
Coronavirus Wellbeing Activities for Schools
In light of the evolving situation around Coronavirus (COVID-19), some teachers may be looking for activities to boost pupils’ wellbeing. These PDF downloads can be helpful for all pupils, but particularly those who are finding changes unsettling.
Advice for Key Worker Parents – Helping Your Child Adapt
As children of key workers are often especially sensitive to the fears surrounding COVID-19, this guide is a downloadable aid to explain their situation and address their worries.
When Your Parent Is a Key Worker – Advice for Children and Young People
Designed to recognise the unique concerns children of key workers have, this PDF download is a booklet to help them understand the role their parent is playing in the crisis
Helping Under-Fives Through the Coronavirus
If you are an early years worker, a parent, or a carer, this guide includes 10 ways we can make a difference to the wellbeing of children and their families at this difficult time.
Top Tips for Parents and Carers Guide by Anna Freud
This PDF provides some simple advice and guidance to parents and carers to help families work together and support one another during the coronavirus outbreak.
Birmingham Children’s Partnership COVID-19 Resources
Birmingham Children’s Partnership is offering COVID-19 support for practitioners working with vulnerable families across the city; their resources page covers valuable areas practitioners may need support for.
Home Learning Resources
Find our library of links to resources that help children learn from home, suitable for Early Years children who are required to self-isolate.
From Birmingham With Love
From Birmingham With Love is a partnership of Birmingham organisations offering services and support, including courses and links to where you can find help for issues related to or impacted by Coronavirus.