Tips for Easing Children's COVID-19 Vaccine Fears
This leaflet from Canada offers some helpful hints to help ease any vaccination fears; aimed at children aged 5-11.
Top Tips for Supporting Children and Young People during Vaccination
Getting vaccinated can be daunting, particularly for children and young people. This NHS resource provides some tips and techniques for supporting them whilst they are receiving their vaccination.
Covid-19 Vaccination Guide for Parents of 5-11 year olds
Experts have advised that parents of all children aged 5 to 11 years should be offered the chance to have their child vaccinated.
Early Years Alliance: Coronavirus Information Pages
The Early Years Alliance has a hub of information pages curated specifically for all staff working directly with children and families in an early years provision.
Winter Wellness for 0-5s
The NHS has issued a letter describing how illnesses in children aged 0 to 5 will be affected now children have had less exposure to viruses than normal.
BSL COVID-19 Guidance
SignHealth, the Deaf Health charity, has various video resources covering coronavirus, from summaries of government briefings to advice on restrictions, vaccinations, and mental wellbeing, to ensure COVID-19 information is available in British Sign Language (BSL).
WHO COVID-19 Myth Busters
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has compiled a list of some commonly heard myths and facts around the COCID-19 virus, as well as some tips on how to decide who and what to trust.
Public Health Webinars for Schools and Settings
Birmingham City Council (BCC), in partnership with Public Health Birmingham (Healthy Brum), has been putting on various coronavirus-related webinars for school leaders and other educational professionals. Access the recordings here.
Updated Early Years Guidance Poster by Healthy Brum
Healthy Brum, an initiative from Birmingham Borough Council, have created an updated poster on COVID-19 guidance for parents and carers.
PHE Leaflet for Parents: Taking Your Child to an Early Years Setting
A leaflet for parents of 0-5’s by Public Health England (PHE), which outlines the importance of children attending Early Years settings during the pandemic; includes a wide-ranging FAQ.
COVID-19: A Guide to Help You through Your Self-Isolation Period
Created by Birmingham Public Health and Birmingham City Council, this guide contains the updated information how to self-isolate if you have or are suspected of having COVID-19.
Germ Defence: Advice to Help Protect Your Home from COVID-19
Germ Defence was developed by health experts in the Universities of Southampton, Bath, and Bristol. It is an interactive mini course of advice to help protect your home from COVID-19, with information on how spreadable the virus is even after vaccination.
Aerosol Transmission of COVID-19 - Hands, Face, Space, Replace
Find out why the old COVID-19 guidance is relevant but now not quite accurate to the way Coronavirus is spread, as we now know it is spread in as an aerosol and not as water droplets.
Long COVID Kids
Created to share information on long-lasting Coronavirus symptoms in children, Long Covid Kids is where you will find videos, documents, posters, and other resources to educate parents, guardians, and professionals.
RCPCH Publishes Advice to Help New Parents during the Pandemic
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH), the British Association of Perinatal Medicine (BAPM – part of the RCPCH), the Institute of Health Visiting (iHV), and the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) have created a Coronavirus poster for parents of young babies.
Coronavirus: Parent Information for Newborn Babies
The NHS has prepared leaflets for parents of newborn babies, which answer common questions and offer practical advice on Coronavirus in newborns.
Government Guidance for Households with Someone with Increased Risk or Possible or Confirmed COVID-19
The UK government’s guidance for households with grandparents, parents, and children living together where someone is at increased risk or has possible or confirmed COVID-19 infection is regularly updated and highly useful to check back on.
COVID-19 Resources for Parents and Carers by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health has created a webpage of Coronavirus resources for parents and carers. Featured is information on key areas of COVID-19 and plenty of links to videos, PDFs, posters, podcasts, and more.
Advice for Key Worker Parents – Helping Your Child Adapt
As children of key workers are often especially sensitive to the fears surrounding COVID-19, this guide is a downloadable aid to explain their situation and address their worries.
COVID-19 Infographics
Created by doctors, medical students and volunteers, these infographics explain key areas of COVID information, available in 45 languages.