A Letter to Loved Ones about the COVID-19 Vaccine
Sir Lenny Henry has helped the NHS produce this video about the importance of getting vaccinated, alongside other famous faces you will recognise.
The Vaccine Initiative by the Stephen Hawking Foundation
The Stephen Hawking Foundation has created downloadable resources to help children discuss and understand vaccinations to recognise the vast misinformation that they, their parents, guardians, and other adults responsible for their wellbeing are confronted with.
Helping You and Your Child with Doing a Coronavirus Test: Guide by Bradford City Council
Bradford City Council has prepared a page on testing your child for Coronavirus at home.
BBC Coronavirus Testing Video: How to Do a Lateral Flow Test at Home
Lateral flow tests are now part of the government’s back-to-school measures and this BBC video is a guide on how to carry these out at home.
Rapid Lateral Flow Tests Information by the UK Government
Rapid lateral flow tests are a key part of keeping children in school, and the government website has information on these tests.
Supporting Your Child with Additional Needs Settle into School by Barnado’s
The children’s charity Barnado’s wrote a helpful article for parents of children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) for the schools’ reopening.
Going Back to School with Childline
To help children in education settings, Childline has put together an advice page covering all kinds of questions children have when making the return to school.
Keeping Children Safe at School by the NSPCC
When children returned to school earlier this year, the NSPCC created some guidance on COVID-19 on their "Keeping Children Safe at School" page.
Help Your Child Return to School or Nursery by Words For Life
With children returning back to schools running a little differently from their normal, this guide was created to help children think positively about going back into the classroom.
Parent's Guide to Rapid COVID-19 Tests in Schools
Following schools opening on Monday, 8th March, School Guide has put together an introductory guide to the free “click and collect” COVID-19 tests issued by the government. The guide goes into detail about the plans for schools reopening, how the testing process works, and how to carry out a test on your child.
How to Test Your Child for COVID-19 by the Department of Health and Social Care
With at-home testing becoming an essential part of children’s return to school, the Department of Health and Social Care has created a video guide to help parents perform COVID-19 tests on their children.