Birmingham Childcare Surveys - Have Your Say!

Birmingham City Council (BCC) Early Years and Childcare Service are currently undertaking two childcare surveys, one for childcare providers and the other for parents and carers.

Childcare Provider Survey

BCC want to hear your views and experience of the childcare market — they want to know what support is available to you and what further support you need.

By carrying out this survey, BCC aim to identify areas of need in the childcare market and improve access to childcare and support for families in Birmingham.

The survey should take roughly 10-15 minutes to complete and covers the following:

  • the type of childcare your setting offers

  • the supply and demand for childcare you experience

  • the impact of Covid-19 on your setting

  • financial sustainability

Please complete the survey if you can, the closing date for childcare provider responses is Sunday 12 December 2021.

Parent/Carer Survey

BCC also want to hear from parents/carers about the type of childcare* they use and whether the right childcare and support is available to them. Responses will help to improve access to childcare and support for other families in Birmingham.

The survey should take roughly10-15 minutes to complete and covers the following:

  • parent/carer opinions, preferences and experiences of childcare for your child(ren)

  • any further support you need

The closing date for parent/carer responses is Sunday 12 December 2021.

*Childcare in this instance means any form of childcare e.g. nurseries, childminders, before and after school clubs, holiday playschemes as well as informal childcare such as grandparents.

Poster for Providers

BCC has created a poster for providers to share with parents/carers to encourage them to take part. We’ve adapted the poster to include a QR code, so you can download, print and put the poster up in your setting.

The QR code allows parents/carers to scan the code using their phone, which will immediately take them to the online survey.

Download the poster by clicking the image on the left.

Both surveys are being carried out by Coram, a children’s charity, on behalf of Birmingham City Council. The surveys are part of Birmingham Be Heard — the website that helps you participate in consultations about local issues that interest you. Using Be Heard means you can make your views known when decisions are being made about things that affect you and the area you live in.


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