Cohort 3: For early years practitioners working in Maintained & PVI settings across HEART Midlands SPH areas (Birmingham, Coventry, Herefordshire, Solihull, Warwickshire, Worcestershire)
The Golden Key is nasen’s Key Person SEND programme for Early Years practitioners; it’s perfect for those seeking to develop their knowledge, skills, and confidence in working with children with SEND.
This eight-week, online training programme, funded by the HEART Midlands Stronger Practice Hub, includes:
4 x 2-hour live online webinars, delivered fortnightly
Short gap tasks to be completed between sessions
Online drop-in support sessions on non-training weeks
Course participants will receive nasen’s Certificate of Attendance
Delivery schedule for cohort 3
The live online training sessions will also be recorded to allow a more flexible approach to learning.
Target audience: Practitioners working as Key Persons (who are not EY SENCOs) in early years PVI and maintained school settings
Organisation: HEART Midlands Stronger Practice Hub in partnership with nasen
Cost: Free
Places: Limited - first come, first served
>>> Register for Cohort 3: Golden Key Training Webinars (all 4 sessions)
*Please note: There is another training cohort for childminders working across the West Midlands (cohort 2). Please book via the link below:
Cohort 2: Childminders - All West Midlands (HEART & THRIVE areas) - Mon 15 April 2024
Programme details
The Golden Key programme will support practitioners to develop their knowledge, skills and confidence around:
Legislation for SEND in the Early Years
High-quality interactions, observation techniques and assessment tools to identify children’s learning and development needs
Supporting children with SEND through the Graduated Approach
Building relationships with children and their parents/carers, including handling sensitive conversations
Awareness of the role of the SENCO and outside agencies, and how to work together effectively to support children with SEND