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Online Network Meeting: In Conversation with Gary Wilson

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Termly online network meeting featuring a guest speaker - Spring Term webinar with Gary Wilson: Boys will be…BRILLIANT!

This academic year, 2024-25, we are offering termly, cross-city, online webinar-style sessions featuring guest speakers who will explore a specific subject of interest in the Early Years.

Who are these sessions for?

All early years childminders, practitioners, teachers, managers and leaders, and those interested in learning about the subject matter on offer.

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Spring Term Session: Boys will be… BRILLIANT! with Gary Wilson

How can we support boys effectively and help to raise their achievement?

In this session Gary will outline the issues around boys' underachievement and what can be done about it, both in school/settings and out. There will be time for questions and sharing too.

You will leave with a fuller understanding of the issues surrounding boys' underachievement and practical steps that you can take to help boys achieve.

BOOK YOUR PLACE >>> Online Network Meeting: In Conversation with Gary Wilson

PLEASE NOTE: Places are limited - if you book a place and your circumstances change and can no longer attend YOU MUST cancel your place via Eventbrite to release it to the next person on the waiting list. We will be monitoring bookings and attendance at all BEYN events over 2024-25 as we will need to report on this to the BEYN strategic group.

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About the speaker

One of the country’s leading authorities on raising boys’ achievement, Gary Wilson is currently a freelance consultant and author of several books including "Raising Boys’ Achievement” and, for parents, "How to Help Your Boy Succeed".

A teacher for 27 years, he began work on raising boys' achievement in his own cluster of schools in West Yorkshire in 1993 and has since advised and delivered training in over 1,000 schools and over 30 Local Authorities across the UK.

Find out more about Gary and his work on his website:


If you have any further questions about these meetings, please email the BEYN Co-ordinators: Clare Williams & Sue Bennett (

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