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Online Network Meeting: In Conversation with Dr Stella Louis

Termly online network meeting featuring a guest speaker - Autumn Term webinar with Dr Stella Louis, talking about partnership with families.

This academic year, 2024-25, we are offering termly, cross-city, online webinar-style sessions featuring guest speakers who will explore a specific subject of interest in the Early Years.

Who are these sessions for?

All early years childminders, practitioners, teachers, managers and leaders, and those interested in learning about the subject matter on offer.

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Autumn Term Session: Dr Stella Louis on Partnerships with Families

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) principle emphasises the value of positive relationships and an atmosphere of trust and respect for one another in children's learning and development.

Involving parents in learning and helping them to support their children's early learning is good practice. This webinar will examine the concept of parents as partners in relation to current practice; exploring what settings already do with parents and what they need to do more.

BOOK YOUR PLACE >>> Online Network Meeting: In Conversation with Dr Stella Louis

PLEASE NOTE: Places are limited - if you book a place and your circumstances change and can no longer attend YOU MUST cancel your place via Eventbrite to release it to the next person on the waiting list. We will be monitoring bookings and attendance at all BEYN events over 2024-25 as we will need to report on this to the BEYN strategic group.

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About the speaker

In 2023, Stella won the highly acclaimed Nursery World Trainer of the Year award. She is a freelance Early Years consultant, working with individual nursery settings, parents, nursery schools, local authorities, government departments and charities. She provides training and consultancy and is particularly interested in observation and its part in supporting learning, development and teaching.

Stella has written 12 books, is co-author of two, and has had chapters published in four more. She has also written articles for the publications Nursery World, Early Years Educators and Early Education. She has worked with teachers to develop a Froebelian approach to teaching and learning in the United Kingdom and internationally, in Soweto, South Africa, and Perth, Australia.

More recently Stella has been using what has been learned from her work in Soweto with a new pre-school in Cape Town, Philippi, developing her work with the University of the Western Cape.


If you have any further questions about these meetings, please email the BEYN Co-ordinators: Clare Williams & Sue Bennett (

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