Early Talk Boost - face-to-face training at Edgbaston Family Hub
This Early Talk Boost training is delivered face-to-face and each setting will receive two boxes of Early Talk Boost resources.
Venue: Edgbaston Family Hub @ Doddington Children’s Centre
Date: Fri 4 April
Places: 20 available
Cost: Free
Booking: Settings to fill out the Microsoft form (linked below)
Early Talk Boost is a targeted intervention aimed at 3-4 year old children who need help with talking and understanding words, helping to boost their language skills to narrow the gap between them and their peers.
The programme aims to accelerate children’s progress in language and communication by an average of 6 months, after a nine-week intervention.
Children selected to participate in the intervention attend three sessions per week during circle/story time, each lasting 15-20 minutes, delivered by an early years practitioner. Sessions include activities that cover the foundation skills in speech, language, and communication that children need for learning and understanding new words, as well as having conversations.
Target audience: EEE-registered day nurseries, nursery schools and school nursery classes
Organisation: Birmingham City Council Early Years and Childcare Service
Contact: Leesa Heeley (leesa.heeley@birmingham.gov.uk)
NOTE: This event will be delivered face-to-face at Edgbaston Family hub