First Words Together: Hints to Help Under-Twos Start Talking
Created to help parents encourage children under two to start talking, this guide offers five tips for behaviours to aid toddlers in finding their first words.
Center on the Developing Child Resources Library
Resource Library by The Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University; articles and videos featuring cutting-edge research.
Speech and Language UK: Learning to Talk
Learning to Talk video content from Speech and Language UK (formerly I CAN) — teaching children how to talk and communicate.
Siren Films: Nurturing a Love of Reading Begins with Babies
Part of a blog series from Siren Films with video clips and ideas for practice. Share the link with families too.
Sound Communities
Sound Communities aims to highlight some of the commonalities between music practice and speech, language and communication (SLC) practice, and to provide Early Years professionals with tools, approaches and methods to support all children, including those with SLC needs.
Molly Wright’s Childhood Development TED Talk
Seven-year-old Molly Wright discusses the importance of play in very young children’s brain development. She's joined onstage by one-year-old Ari and his dad, Amarjot, who help illustrate her big ideas about brain science.
Talking With Your Children
A booklet of activities for parents to help nursery children’s speaking and listening skills.
Startwell Birmingham
Startwell offers a wide selection of online and in-person training courses for practitioners working in Birmingham; covering healthy eating, physical activity, and oral health from babies to pre-school.
Development Matters
Non-statutory curriculum guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage (Revised July 2021).
Birth to 5 Matters
Non-statutory guidance produced by the Early Years Coalition, a group comprised of 16 Early Years sector organisations.
Progress Check at Age 2
Guidance to provide support for Early Years practitioners when completing the EYFS progress check at age 2.
Early Childhood Resource Bank by Aaron Bradbury
Early Childhood academic Aaron Bradbury has collated a library of resources covering child development, outdoor play, early childhood, Early Years curriculum, Early Years SEND, and many more subjects related to children aged 0–5.
Early Years Staff Wellbeing: A Resource for Managers and Teams
Anna Freud’s latest Early Years research shows that staff wellbeing needs to lie at the heart of nursery settings, so they have created some guidance on keeping practitioners supported and feeling well.
Froebel Trust Webinars and Short Films
Froebel Trust shares short films and recordings of their live webinars as a page on their training and resources section, covering a varied range of Early Years-appropriate subjects.
Cambridge University's Play in Education, Development and Learning (PEDAL) Centre
PEDAL is the centre for research on play in education, development, and learning. It conducts academic research into the role of play in children’s lives in order to inform wider practice and policy.
Early Childhood Mathematics Group
The Early Childhood Mathematics Group promotes maths education for young children, particularly in the Early Years Foundation Stage in England. Below is a link to their building firm foundations in mathematics guidance from birth through the end of Key Stage 1.
Supporting Physical Development in Early Childhood by Future Learn
This is a wonderful online course all about how to ensure young children get enough physical activity and how it improves child mental and physical health development.
Adverse Childhood Experiences
Adverse Childhood Experiences Early Trauma Online Learning is a free and meaningful course for practitioners, professionals and volunteers working with children, young people and their families. Funded by the Home Office, you can sign up on the website.
Early Education From the British Association for Early Childhood Education
Early Education is a national charity supporting Early Years practitioners with training and professional networks, and campaigning for quality education for the youngest children. Their pedagogic pages provide links to many articles and resources.
Right Help, Right Time E-Learning Training
Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership, Learning & Development Sub-Group have developed e-learning training to support understanding and application of “Right Help, Right Time”, delivering effective support for children and families in Birmingham.