BEYN blog
Read the latest from the Birmingham Early Years Networks, including guest posts from colleagues working across the Early Years Sector in Birmingham.
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Developing Local Provision • SEND • Transition • Stronger Practice Hub • Professional Development/CPD • Childminders • Guest Posts
Birmingham Childminders: Supporting Transitions
Safiaya Abowath-Tulloch, Early Years Consultant (EYC) for Inclusion, explores supporting transitions, including the key factors for planning and supporting smooth and successful transitions in the early years.
Championing SEND in the Early Years
Hall Green Consortium Schools (HGCS) Early Years Developing Local Provision project: Championing SEND in the Early Years.
The Birmingham Transition Approach
From September 2021, a group of professionals committed to improving children's outcomes through a consistent transition approach have been meeting to develop the "Birmingham Transition Approach".
Guest Post: Supporting Daily Transitions Through Song in the Early Years
In this guest post, Ruth Harris talks about transitions and how she came to create “Singing SENCO” - a free bank of easy to sing “songs of transition” to support daily transitions in nurseries, childminders, schools and home.