Dingley’s Promise Mark of Achievement Success in Birmingham
Dingley’s Promise Early Years Inclusion Programme
Birmingham is one of ten local authorities involved in the Dingley’s Promise Early Years Inclusion Programme.
The Comic Relief-funded programme provides a fully-funded online training offer where participants undertake a series of ten courses over five years. The overarching aim is to improve outcomes for children by increasing the number of children with emerging or identified special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) accessing early years and childcare places.
Early Years settings across Birmingham have taken the opportunity to undertake the training to develop practical skills and knowledge to aid practitioners in supporting the growing number of children with SEND.
Birmingham Success - Mark of Achievement Inclusive Practice Award
We are delighted to announce that Birmingham's first three Early Years settings have completed the training and achieved the Dingley’s Mark of Achievement (MOA) Award.
The MOA Award recognises each setting’s dedication and commitment to equipping practitioners with skills to transform the lives of children with SEND through delivering inclusive practice.
Two of the settings share their thoughts on the training.
Osborne Nursery School, Erdington
Tulips Childcare, childminder in Perry Barr district
There’s still time to sign up to Dingley’s Promise Training
The fully-funded online training is available to all families and practitioners from all services working with young children in Birmingham.
All courses combine workbooks, videos, and activities and are completed at the trainee’s own pace and at a time that meets their needs.
Find out more here: Dingley’s Promise: Early Years Inclusion Programme
You can register for the training here: Early Years Inclusion Programme – Dingley's Promise
Each practitioner will need to register individually and there is no deadline to register. If you have any questions or if you experience any challenges with registering please email training@dingley.org.uk.