Now You’re Talking
Advice and Support

If your child is in a Birmingham setting, talk to an adult who knows your child well. They will want to work with you to ensure everyone is doing the best for your child.
In early years settings across Birming, some adults have received additional training in supporting children's language and communication development. These language champions can be contacted through your child's setting.
“Language Through Play” workers are based in Children's Centres across the city, and support groups with parents and carers. You can also speak to your Health Visitor. You can find contact details by heading to Birmingham Forward Steps.
If your child is not yet in a setting, you can contact Birmingham Forward Steps or the Health Visitors.
Health visitors are based across the city, and part of their role is to support parents.
Developing Local Provision (DLP)
Get advice and support from the Developing Local Provision project.
If you are unsure which district you live in, head over to our Find Your District page. Once you know your district, go to your District DLP page and find the contact us button.

Speech and Language Therapy
The Speech and Language Therapy service provide evidence-based specialist support to children (age 0-19) with specific speech, language and communication difficulties and those with difficulties swallowing, eating and drinking.
You can contact their advice line for strategies and support on 0121 466 6231.
The phone line is open 9am-4pm every day (excluding bank holidays). If you leave a short message with your name, contact number and details about your child, a Speech and Language Therapist will return your call. They will be able to provide information, advice and resources.
The child/young person you are calling about must be:
Aged 0-18 years (or up to 19 only if in full-time special school education)
Registered with a Birmingham GP or attending a Birmingham School.
You can find various videos designed to help you apply strategies to support your child's communication needs on Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust SALT page.
Upcoming Events
The Speech and Language Therapists (SALT) from Birmingham's Outreach and SEND Therapy Team deliver parent/carer webinars regularly throughout the year, covering several different topics.
Each webinar takes a presentation format followed by an opportunity to ask questions. Browse and book upcoming webinars below or jump into their webinar archive to get started immediately.
NOTE: These sessions are suitable for parents of children who have difficulties with their functional communication, e.g. being able to communicate needs and feelings using gestures or words